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Personnel Commendation and Complaint



Historically, 调查发现,大多数对执法人员的投诉是由于缺乏关于他们的职责以及他们如何有权执行这些职责的信息.

此外,当一个人超越职责要求时,你可能会认出他. 这些人的努力也需要得到适当的认可.

此信息旨在澄清您所拥有的一些权利, 如果你想表扬或对警长办公室的员工提出合理的投诉.

Doña安娜县治安官办公室通过建立表彰制度承认了自己的责任, complaints, and disciplinary procedures. 这些程序不仅会使员工在明显的不当行为时受到纪律处分, 但也会在员工正确履行职责时保护他们.

Together, we can make a difference. 我们致力于为Doña安娜县的居民提供最高质量的执法服务.


Who may register a complaint?


How do I initiate a complaint against an employee?

Complaints can be made 24 hours a day by telephone, letter, 电子邮件或亲自与值班主管或在正常营业时间, 与专业标准厅/内务组合作.  All complaints, including anonymous ones will be accepted.


Yes. 只要有父母、法定监护人或负责任的成年人在场即可.

Must I give my name to file a complaint?

No. 然而,匿名投诉很难调查. During the course of the investigation, 可能需要您提供其他信息,以确保圆满完成.

Will the employee know that I have made a complaint?

Yes. 该员工将被告知针对他或她的指控. 如知道投诉人的身分,雇员亦会获知投诉人的身分.

Who is responsible for investigating complaints?

Depending upon the nature of the allegation, 投诉可以由雇员的主管进行调查,也可以交由内务组进行调查.

What will happen to the employee?

If the investigation indicates misconduct, 该员工将根据违规的严重程度受到纪律处分. 纪律处分的范围可以从口头指导/咨询到停学, or in extreme cases, termination. 如果指控是犯罪性质的,案件将提交起诉.


Absolutely not!  It is essential that public confidence be maintained, 提高警务处调查和妥善处理对其成员的投诉的能力.

How long will the investigation take?

Minor complaints are often handled immediately. As a general rule, 对严重指控的调查应在30天内结束, unless circumstances require additional time.

Will I be notified of the results of the investigation?

If you have identified yourself, 调查完成后,我们会以书面通知你.

What type of disposition can result from the investigation?

At the conclusion of the investigation, 该案件将提交给四名师长,供他们处理并就纪律问题提出建议, if necessary. Possible dispositions may include:

  1. Unfounded – The allegation is false or not factual; no misconduct.

  2. Exonerated – The incident did occur. However, the employee acted lawfully and properly.

  3. 不成立-调查提供的资料不足以证明或反驳这些指控.

  4. Sustained – The allegation is substantiated. 

What if I file a false complaint?

如果你认为投诉是有效的,并且该员工最终被免除了责任, the case will be over. However, 如果确定投诉是虚假和恶意的, 你可能会受到员工的刑事指控和/或民事诉讼.

请记住:公民与其执法机构之间关系的质量不仅取决于举报不当行为, but also on acknowledging a job well done.


Who may recommend a commendation?

Just as in the complaint process, 任何人都可以对出色的工作进行表扬, prisoner or Sheriff’s Office member.

How do I initiate a commendation for an employee?

表彰可以通过电话、信件、电子邮件或亲自进行. 表彰可以24小时向值班主管提交,也可以在正常工作时间向专业标准办公室提交.

What will happen to my commendation recommendation?

您的推荐将被转发给该员工的主管进行认可. The employee’s supervisor, and/or chain of command, 会根据具体情况决定奖励的类型吗. 轻微的表扬可以由主管直接处理, 在完成员工绩效评估时进行口头或考虑.


Yes. On minor commendations, 你很可能会被主管告知将要采取的行动类型. On commendations of a greater nature, 我们会以书面形式通知你推荐的结果和可能举行的典礼,以便你参加, if you so desire.


有关表扬或投诉程序的更多信息, 请致电575-525-8850与专业标准办公室/内务组联系.